Our services
A team of professional lawyers always ready to solve any civil & criminal problems
Areas of Activity
Employment and social security
Our speciality is all that concerns employment cases( protection for both employees and employers) and above all that of a social security nature ( ordinary disability allowance at work, occupational disability pension, old age pension, early retirement pension, quote 100, agricultural unemployment, ordinary unemployment, service cases, sick pay) and welfare (attendance allowance, civil disability allowance, civil disability pension, accompaniment allowance, compensation for accompanying blind civilians, transfusional allowance, INAIL illnesses, INAIL accidents, benefits L. 104/92 , basic income, minimum pension increase)
We highlight:
There have been
sentences issued in the merit phase and not only at the end of ATP judgements where the requests of the sick person have been fully acknowledged after the refusal of the competent institution and after a careful and detailed preliminary investigation , post transfusion indemnity.

Area of Activity
Civil law
We deal with all aspects of civil law that range from property law ( cases of usucapion, boundaries, possessory, bank securities , postal savings bonds), to cases of damage compensation ( road accidents, medical liability , non- pecuniary damage, civil liability) , debt collection on movable and immovable property, family cases ( separations, divorces, adoptions, modification of separation conditions , custody and maintenance of minors) as well as consultancy for out-of -court purposes.
We highlight : sentence of the court of appeal of Messina n.3381 of 15/11/2018 with which the legitimate right of an ex- husband to the non- payment of the divorce check , which had been paid for years to a wife who had no right to it, was sanctioned.
Thanks to careful investigation with the help of a private investigator, our practice brilliantly resolved a long standing problem from which there had seemed no way out.